How It Feels to Click “PUBLISH”–Debut Romance Novel, Sweet Changes

So a couple of days ago, I finished up the technical details of my book, Sweet Changes, and clicked “publish”!

My author journey, thus far, has been exhilarating, nerve racking, empowering.

The story, in a nutshell, went as follows: write, edit, decide on pen name, rewrite, edit, learn about self-publishing through podcasts, blogs, and nonfiction materials, submit chapters to a critique group, edit, rewrite, start a Facebook author page, edit, send to beta readers, edit, send to editor, edit again on my own, design my book cover, start a blog, start an email newsletter, join romance writing Facebook groups, sign up for Goodreads with my pen name, hire someone to convert my doc file to a kindle file, check everything about a million times, then… PUBLISH! This process took me 17 months for Sweet Changes.

But now that I know how the whole process works…and have learned so much about self-publishing…and, MOST OF ALL, now that I’m writing every single day (at least 1,000 words, often more than that), I believe I will be ready to publish my second novel in the Summerside Romance series by the end of November 2017.

It’s amazing what people can learn, when they are able to be persistent and stick to their goal. I’ve spent many months on this project and I’m now pretty excited that my dream is finally coming true!

Thanks for sticking with me. 🙂